
Breeze valorant hd
Breeze valorant hd

breeze valorant hd breeze valorant hd

The new stack of crates limits some angles from B Main, gives you new options when holding or retaking, and should break up some awkward fights that can occur on thin walls.This new cover should be useful when falling back and retaking. The adjusted back site breaks the head peek to B Main while also giving players new cover to work with.The new cover on the pillar allows for new pre and post plant opportunities.Added cover to the pillar on B Site, blocked off the back site with a new wall, and added a stack of crates to B Wall.This change simplifies the space and removes the extra pocket.Plant site extension is also to match the new shape of the pool.Extending the pool should make playing in this space more comfortable. The cover changes should give defenders both a safe place to fall back to and more cover on retakes.Adjusted cover on the back of A Site and extended the pool to the far wall.This provides some cover for attackers pushing the cave while also giving defenders more options for contesting the space.It also removes the 50/50 when both entering or exiting the cave, allowing you to be more methodical when pushing. This should give defenders more options when playing around A Main.Increased the width of the A Main choke and removed 50/50s (where you must choose one of two locations an opponent may be located).Fixed a bug where Fade’s Prowler and trails would not navigate down the chute on Breeze.Doors will now destroy placeable objects as soon as they come into contact with them, as opposed to only the moment the door is closed.Breeze have been removed from competitive and Unrated map rotation, but it still playable in all other modes.A loud audio cue will be heard whenever the door opens to let something travel down the chute. This door cannot be opened from underneath at the chute's exit in Mid, preventing certain agents from using mobility abilities to travel up the chute from Mid into A Hall, as well as preventing other objects from being thrown up the chute. Players and other objects can travel through the chute, which contains an automatic horizontal door. Towards the Attacker side of Hall is an one-way chute (also known as a 'vent') that can be used to go to Mid. The door is closed at the start of each round. On the defending side players can use the rope at the back of A Site to get onto Bridge and into Hall, and on the attacking side players can use the rope in A Lobby to get into Hall.Ī Site has an impenetrable, indestructible mechanical door leading into A Hall that can be opened and closed using switches on either side. There are ropes to get players into A Hall. Breeze's features are present on the A side of the map, mostly to do with A Hall.

Breeze valorant hd